Page name: The Compound: Front Desk and Lobby [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-09-25 12:04:38
Last author: The Black Goat
Owner: The Black Goat
# of watchers: 6
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Compound: Garden

Compound: Waiting Room

*Compound: Front Office*

Compound: Level One West
Compound: Level One East


The Compound: Security Checkpoint Alpha

Front Desk and Lobby

After passing through first one, then a second set glass doors into the building, the area opens up into a highly polished and impressive lobby. Directly ahead there is a windowed front desk with a few couches strategically placed in front of it. Further past that is a locked door leading into the Compound: Front Office, located on the west side of the desk, and a little further, accessible from either side, is the Compound: Waiting Room. If one were to side-step the lounge they could walk into the Compound: Garden to enjoy a bit of sun. The Compound: Level One West and Compound: Level One East hallways are to either side of the lobby.

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2014-01-10 [The Black Goat]: west and east- the compound: level one hallway
north- the compound: garden

2014-04-27 [The Black Goat]: one small step!

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: Is it just me or is there more of this?

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: hmm?

I'm working on it =P its slow going, so either shush or help out mister XD

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: I would help out, but you'd end up with rooms you didn't want :P

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: XD

well shadow was being a dear and adding a template to every new page I linked to so I could go ahead and map it

plus I need someone to help with the descriptions

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: I am going to offer myself up as help. But tonight I won't add anything. I'm halfway through a bottle of vodka and still going strong!

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: have fun =) second beer, though the whole pack won't even be enough to get me anywhere =P

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: Then bomb them! Neck em like their going out of date!

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: ugh my run monday is going to blow then XD

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: Run Monday? BLOW Monday! Monday is never a good day! ALWAYS blow it off when you can!

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: I'm in the airforce =P not an option really

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: ALWAYS an option :P Since when did you need to run when you're in the airforce?

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: ummm when I'm in an aeroevacuation squadron? And my commander says so?

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: I thought you just got to fly around in things and occasionally sit at a gun position! Well, there goes my dreams of being an airman...

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: notta, we go out and grab the wounded soldiers and bring them back stateside for treatment

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: And that is a VERY respectful position, and possibly, I would say, one of the most important in my eyes. Good on you. Whole new load of respect on your desk from me

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: XD

its cool, but the squadron is hardcore about PT,and in the military, nothing is optional

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: You are the ones who have to bring them home without getting injured yourselves. Big responsibility. Honestly, the kinda position I'd like if I were to go into the military.

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: But I won't because my body is weak :P And instead I will be a member of the Home Guard like in Dad's Army

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: as cool as that sound, we rarely have to lift off in battlefield positions, that's a whole 'nother thing bro

we usually get them from those guys and take care of them on the flight back, but then again, my first deployment is coming up so maybe I'll get to see it all first hand

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: When is that happening?

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: september, just going to al udied though, no biggie

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: Still, the US isn't exactly No. 1 over there. I really hope everything goes okay for you and your comrades there

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: it'll be fine, what really blows is that it is hot as balls but we aren't allowed to wear shorts or tank tops

those two articles of clothing make up for ninety percent of my summer wear XP

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: Same! When I'm not expecting rain (as I get 90% of the time -_-)  But either ways, good luck if I don't get a chance to say so beforehand.

And again, when sober and not up at stupid o'clock, I will help with descriptions if needed. Point me where to go if needed

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: thanks, i'll keep it in mind when I'm also not (getting) drunk XD

2014-05-25 [CuteCommander]: :D  Do

2014-07-06 [Sheamus Finn]: Hmmm, how many ways can I figure to sneak out...

2014-07-06 [The Black Goat]: good luck with that

2014-07-06 [Sheamus Finn]: Where there is a will...

2014-07-06 [The Black Goat]: there is also laser grids, invisible doors, windows made of unbreakable glass that are also guarded by lasers, automatic security drones, a twenty foot high wall that you can see around the entire perimeter, and a wall you can't see that extends a hundred feet around the entire place, above and below, that will trigger the internal device that snaps ones spinal chord the moment you walk into it.

2014-07-06 [The Black Goat]: but unless your character gets grounded to the facility, they won't need to sneak out XD

2014-07-06 [Sheamus Finn]:

2014-07-06 [The Black Goat]: when the gm says you can't get out (unless the gm is also saying there is a way for certain plots) then you sure as hell aren't getting out lol

2014-07-06 [Sheamus Finn]: the GM has never had a regular poker game has she?! lol

2014-07-06 [The Black Goat]: The GM doesn't play poker, and also controls the world your character lives in ;D

2014-07-06 [Sheamus Finn]: are hard lady GM....But what the heck lead you know my apt number?

2014-07-06 [The Black Goat]: in game?

you haven't been assigned one =P

2014-07-06 [Sheamus Finn]: Doh, hope someone has a futon I can crash on then...<grin>

2014-07-06 [The Black Goat]: sooo I'm too drunk to do a gm post

remind me tomorrow and there shall be nanobots

2014-07-06 [The Black Goat]: and I wrote that in the wrong place

2014-07-06 [Sheamus Finn]: <grin> no problems

2014-07-10 [The Black Goat]: Anyone want to do me a solid and map out the first level of the compound using the floor plan I made?

2014-07-16 [Sheamus Finn]: would you like it done room by room? Like 1 for front desk, 1 for Bar & Coffee Lounge

2014-07-16 [The Black Goat]: Not sure what you mean, I mean like the lab is done if that helps

2014-07-16 [Sheamus Finn]: each page gets it's own map of the current room

2014-07-17 [The Black Goat]: ? You mean the compass?

2014-07-28 [The Black Goat]: alright, who wants to go to the west and east hallways and apply this --> DR Template to each empty page?

I'll love you forever XD

2014-07-28 [The Black Goat]: you don't even have to say yes or no, just go do it ^^

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